
Download MP3 Prophetic and Impartation Service By Apostle Joshua Selman (17 December, 2023)

Abundance is not about how many things you can afford and accumulate. In the Kingdom of God, true wealth is measured by how much you can give to God’s program and remain unaffected by it.
There are virtues in the kingdom of God that are not gifts, but you receive them on account of your sacrifice; your seed has a voice, calling and drawing quality men and resources into your life.
When God brings you into a realm of supply, there are certain things and distractions that leave your life.
There are certain anointings that will not come into your life, until at the point of sacrifice.
There are sacrifices that you make to God that will keep speaking to generations after you and there are certain immunities that you create in your life, on account of your sacrifice.

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