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In order of priority, the creative dimension of the prophetic is superior and more profitable to the believer, compared to its revelatory dimension.
The creative dimension of the Prophetic can correct the speakings of the revelatory dimension.
Any spirit can show you things to come but only The Holy Spirit can reveal things that glorify and testify of Jesus.
(Revelations 19:10)
The Prophetic can have variances in Men because of:
1. The level of consecration.
(Leviticus 19:31, Acts 16;16)
2. The level of character and sincerity in the Prophet.
3. The strength of the Prophet’s prayer life.
If the Body of Christ does not understand prophecy and correct interpretation, the things seen in visions will be wrongly interpreted and lead to negative consequences.
If God has called you to be a Prophet, it is necessary to stick to the truths in The Bible, so you don’t mislead people.
Rules to Engage The Prophetic For Victory:
Access the prophetic blessing of Scripture by locating scriptural prophecies that relate to your area of concern.
(Luke 4:17)
The Word of God will have no profitable effect on a believer until the promises made available in the Scripture are discovered and engaged