Download: He That Overcometh By Apostle Joshua Selman Koinonia Abuja 07 October 2021
Download: He That Overcometh By Apostle Joshua Selman Koinonia Abuja. There are many names that believers are called in the Scriptures. Theologically, the names of believers are classified into two groups;
1). Identification; Names bore out of the new birth experience in Christ as a testament of our functions (Joint Heirs, Sons, Light, Salt, Ambassador)
2). Overcomers; Names are given to believers who have run the race and completed it on account of their testament of endurance and being overcomers in life (Revelation 2:17).
It is possible for a believer, family, ministry, or organization to go through a season where it seems the Word of God is not producing the kind of results that you believe for it to produce.
There is emotional wear and tear that can befall men. As far as adversity is concerned, even the youth’s strength shall fail.
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