Download Striving for Mastery Part 2 by Apostle Joshua Selman
Light is the foundation on which one might achieve mastery in the Kingdom. When you reach a certain level of spiritual enlightenment, it will feel as though the sun is shining in your life. When there is a flash of light, the night can shift into the day. There is a degree of spiritual enlightenment that can turn a man’s darkest hours into his brightest days.
Every time a man turns on a light, that marks the beginning of a new day for him. You can reach a stage of mastery where each day starts to feel like a reflection of the day that the Lord has fashioned if you work hard enough.
Because there are realms that only permit room for masters, God desires to bring us to greater levels of perfection and mastery so that we can enter those realms. You need to have a strong will if you want to get a hold of the keys that will give you control over every aspect of your life.
The purpose of this series is to lead believers above the level of spiritual amateurism that they currently occupy, to levels in the spirit where they might take hold of eternal life and become a living epistle; a manifestation of the wisdom and power that God possesses.
Apostle Joshua Selman imparts instruction on the spirituality of life and the keys of struggling for mastery throughout this second series of teachings. Download the Message in the following.